Consent to Electronic Communications of Protected Health Information
Protected health information (PHI) is any information in the medical record or designated record set that can be used to identify an individual and that was created, used, or disclosed in the course of providing a health care service such as diagnosis or treatment. For other than test results, a valid HIPAA compliant release must be completed. You may further authorize us to release your PHI to answering machines, faxes, or electronic mail. To ensure your privacy, we will not leave messages containing PHI on answering devices without your permission. You may also authorize us to provide your confidential PHI to another person or persons. Test results related HIV, Hepatitis, substance abuse, or malignancy/cancer require your prior authorization be transmitted via electronic means (voicemail, FAX, e-mail, MyCSLink).
When you provide us with your contact information, you authorize us and our agents to use any mailing address, e-mail address, telephone number (landline, wireless, residential or business) for the purpose of communicating with you regarding appointment information, test results, discharge instructions or other clinical information, as well as regarding account information or other information pertinent to medical services. You also are agreeing to accept live or autodialed calls and other messages to these numbers or addresses where we may leave recorded messages.
By checking the box and clicking “Accept” I authorize physicians and/or staff to contact me via the contact information I provided.
This authorization shall remain in effect until you are notified by me in writing of any changes. The Health Information Manager will review your request and respond in writing if your request cannot be honored. If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact the Health Information Manager at 310-248-7058.